
Cockatoo rescue uk
Cockatoo rescue uk

cockatoo rescue uk

A Success Story for Kakatua Bulu Cockatoo Sanctuary

cockatoo rescue uk

Just myself and husband permanently, sometimes we have friends help out with various things.

cockatoo rescue uk

How many staff / volunteers are involved? Over 50 Cockatoos of various ages and sizes and with various problems ranging from feather plucking and self mutilation and disabled to purely anti social Cockatoos who bite and scream due to their colourful past through no fault of their own. Have kept Cockatoos for over 24 years, not initially to rescue them but very quickly realised that Cockatoos are so difficult as pets and that there are too many being passed around because of this reason, through no fault of their own, so decided to go into the rescue side of keeping Cockatoos which seems like is what I was sent here on this earth to do, can’t imagine life without them. Cockatoos are naturally sociable birds and they love company of their own kind, the birds at the sanctuary are encourage to vocalise and exercise and do what comes naturally. The Cockatoos have as much freedom as possible, some live in aviaries and those which are not suited to aviary life live indoors. We have Cockatoos of all sizes and ages with various problems, some with problems as mentioned above and some whereby the previous owners have just not been able to keep them for various reasons. We never re-home any Cockatoos all birds stay with us for the duration of their lives. Registered Charity Sanctuary a registered charity in the UK working with birds who are abandoned, disabled, in ill health, are feather pluckers & have other anti-social behaviours.

Cockatoo rescue uk